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Problem Identification

Is there a problem? What is it?


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His Instructional Resource Team referral says...

"Andy has struggled with reading skills and memory. He reads and writes numbers backwards. His parents report that he had an accident when was a toddler and was hospitalized and has always struggled with memory and reading. He often loses his place when reading, has poor alphabetic knowledge and poor sight word vocabulary. He reads at a slow pace and has poor comprehension.

Andy is often disorganized possesses limited memory skills and needs directions repeated frequently. He is fidgety and often off task. Andy has difficulty completing tasks and is often anxious especially if he gets behind with his seat work.

For his difficulty maintaining attention he was given preferential seating and his teacher checked for understanding when giving directions. These interventions helped decrease Andy's anxiety and increased his comprehension.He received supplemental reading instruction where he did best using picture cues. For copying Andy was allowed extra time which helped."

-Classroom Teacher

Let's leave this web site and visit Target the Problem!, a tool to help parents and classroom teachers understand the specific problems a child may be having with reading.


Look for key phrases and order them from most important to least important, that will guide us in defining Andy's reading problem.


concept map of Andy's refferal

Click the image to enlarge it.

Here is how Andy's referral might look using Cmap software to map out all the concerns mentioned by the classroom teacher. Which issues need to be addressed for Andy to be successful?
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