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Quick Links

Introduction External Links

  1. Data Driven Decision Making 
  2. Response to Intervention
  3. National Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
  4. School-Wide Information System
  5. Twenty-First Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  6. Achievement Gap
  7. No Child Left Behind Act
  8. Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
  9. Three-Tiered Intervention Model

Step 1 External Links

  1. School-Wide Information System
  2. functional behavior analysis
  3. chart behavior
  4. curricular-based assessments
  5. Cause Mapping
  6. Cmaps
  7. Free on-line Cmapping

Step 2 External Links

  1. The Art of Complex Problem Solving

Step 3 External Links

  1. Learning Objectives: A pdf from the University of Tennessee on how to write a solid learning objective.
  2. ALA | Suggestions for Writing SMART Objectives: This site is created by the Association of College & research Libraries.
  3. How to Write Great Learning Objectives: An article by Kevin Kruse is an overview of Robert Mager's 1962 book, Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction.
  4. What Works Clearinghouse : The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) collects, screens, and identifies studies of effectiveness of educational interventions (programs, products, practices, and policies).
  5. Promising Practices Network : The Promising Practices Network (PPN) is dedicated to providing quality evidence-based information about what works to improve the lives of children, youth, and families.
  6. Welcome to the Campbell Collaboration: The Campbell Collaboration is an independent, international, non-profit organization that aims to help people make well-informed decisions about the effects of interventions in the social, behavioral and educational arenas.
  7. Social Programs That Work: The central problem that the nonprofit Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy seeks to address is that U.S. social programs are often implemented with little regard to rigorous evidence, costing billions of dollars yet failing to address critical needs of our society -- in areas such as education, crime and substance abuse, and poverty reduction.
  8. Progress monitoring: Progress monitoring is a scientifically based practice that is used to assess students academic performance and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction. Progress monitoring can be implemented with individual students or an entire class.

Case Study

  1. Big Ideas in Beginning Reading
  2. Colorado Basic Literacy
  3. Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills
  4. Developmental Reading Assessment
  5. DIBELS benchmarks
  6. Target the Problem!
  7. Colorado Student Assessment Program
  8. Basic Early Assessment of Reading
  9. RtI and reading instruction

Activities External Links

  1. "Growing up Digital"
  2. John Seely Brown
  3. “tapped in”
  4. Eduproblemsolving


  1. Key Phrases -Choose key phrases from Andy's referral and determine their important .
  2. Analyze Andy's sub-test scores on the DIBELS test to see if there are any clues to underlying problems