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"Problems are to the mind what exercise is to the muscles, they toughenand make strong." --Norman Vincent Peale

Powerful Learning

Learning does not occur in a vacuum. In an article titled "Growing up Digital" John Seely Brown talked about witnessing some of the most powerful learning experiences in the Xerox corporation lunch room. Employees were swapping stories about difficult problems they had encountered during the day. People interacting, telling stories, sharing knowledge, and providing their expertise about how they solved their problems over lunch, was more effective than hi-tech computer training. That is powerful learning. Wouldn't it be great if we could interact with professionals beyond the lunch rooms of our school buildings?


This is the inspiration for the creation of a wiki about the topic of educational problem solving.  The wiki is open for anyone to join and contribute. This gives the learner more control over creating his or her own definition of educational problem solving.  There is also an on-line discussion group in “tapped in” to create our virtual lunchroom to tell stories and share our expertise on educational problem solving.  Please provide any feedback that will improve this site. Your participation is encouraged!

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